(root)/src/abe/fmtreelist.h - Rev 1218
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QObject>
#include "scriptglobal.h"
#include "grid.h"
class Tree; // forward
class Expression;
namespace ABE {
class FMStand;
class FMTreeList : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int stand READ standId) ///< return stand, -1 if not set
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count) ///< return the number of trees that are currently loaded
Q_PROPERTY(bool simulate READ simulate WRITE setSimulate) ///< if 'simulate' is true, trees are only marked for removal
explicit FMTreeList(QObject *parent = 0);
explicit FMTreeList(FMStand *stand, QObject *parent = 0);
int standId() const { return mStandId; }
void setStand(FMStand *stand);
bool simulate() const {return mOnlySimulate; }
void setSimulate(bool do_simulate) {mOnlySimulate = do_simulate; }
int count() const { return mTrees.count(); }
/// access the list of trees
const QVector<QPair<Tree*, double> > trees() const { return mTrees; }
/// access to local grid (setup if necessary)
Grid<float> &localGrid() { prepareGrids(); return mLocalGrid; }
public slots:
// loading of trees
/// load all trees of the stand, return number of trees (living trees)
int loadAll() { return load(QString()); }
/// load all trees passing the filter, return number of trees (load only living trees)
int load(const QString &filter);
/// load all trees of the stand and either kill or harvest trees that are marked for that operation.
int removeMarkedTrees();
/** kill "number" of stems
* in the percentile interval "from" - "to".
* remove all if "number" is higher than the count.
* return the number of removed trees. */
// int killPct(int pctfrom, int pctto, int number);
// int killAll(); ///< kill all trees in the list
/** kill 'fraction' of all trees with 'filter'=true */
// int kill(QString filter, double fraction);
// management
/** kill "number" of stems
* in the percentile interval "from" - "to".
* remove all if "number" is higher than the count.
* Use the removal fractions set by the removeStem, removeBranch and removeFoliage properties.
* return the number of removed trees. */
// int managePct(int pctfrom, int pctto, int number);
// int manageAll(); ///< manage all trees in the list
/// kill (i.e., cut down and do not remove from the forest) the trees in the list, filtered with 'filter'.
int kill(QString filter);
/** manage 'fraction' of all trees [0..1] with 'filter'. Return number of removed trees. */
int harvest(QString filter=QString(), double fraction=1.);
double percentile(int pct); ///< get value for the pct th percentile (1..100)
// void killSaplings(MapGridWrapper *wrap, int key); ///< kill all saplings that are on the area denoted by 'key' of the given grid (script access)
/** hacky access function to resource units covered by a polygon.
the parameters are "remove-fractions": i.e. value=0: no change, value=1: set to zero. */
// void removeSoilCarbon(MapGridWrapper *wrap, int key, double SWDfrac, double DWDfrac, double litterFrac, double soilFrac);
/** slash snags (SWD and otherWood-Pools) of polygon 'key' on the map 'wrap'.
@param slash_fraction 0: no change, 1: 100%
// void slashSnags(MapGridWrapper *wrap, int key, double slash_fraction);
/** sort the list according to 'statement'. Note that sorting is in ascending order. To
* have e.g. tallest trees first in the list, use '-height'.
void sort(QString statement); ///< sort trees in the list according to a criterion
// int filter(QString filter); ///< apply a filter on the list of trees (expression), return number of remaining trees.
// int filterIdList(QVariantList idList); ///< apply filter in form of a list of ids, return number of remaining trees
void randomize(); ///< random shuffle of all trees in the list
/// calculate the mean value for all trees in the internal list for 'expression' (filtered by the filter criterion)
double mean(QString expression, QString filter=QString()) { return aggregate_function( expression, filter, "mean"); }
/// calculate the sum for all trees in the internal list for the 'expression' (filtered by the filter criterion)
double sum(QString expression, QString filter=QString()) { return aggregate_function( expression, filter, "sum"); }
/// set up internally a map (10m grid cells) of the stand
/// with a given grid type or using a custom expression.
void prepareStandGrid(QString type, QString custom_expression=QString());
void exportStandGrid(QString file_name);
FloatGrid &standGrid() {return mStandGrid; }
bool trace() const;
int remove_percentiles(int pctfrom, int pctto, int number, bool management);
int remove_trees(QString expression, double fraction, bool management);
double aggregate_function(QString expression, QString filter, QString type);
bool remove_single_tree(int index, bool harvest=true);
void check_locks();
// grid functions
void prepareGrids();
/// run function 'func' for all trees in the current tree list of the stand.
/// signature: function(&ref_to_float, &ref_to_int, *tree);
/// after all trees are processed, func is called again (aggregations, ...) with tree=0.
void runGrid(void (*func)(float &, int &, const Tree *, const FMTreeList *) );
QVector<QPair<Tree*, double> > mTrees; ///< store a Tree-pointer and a value (e.g. for sorting)
bool mResourceUnitsLocked;
int mRemoved;
FMStand *mStand; /// the stand the list is currently connected
int mStandId; ///< link to active stand
int mNumberOfStems; ///< estimate for the number of trees in the stand
bool mOnlySimulate; ///< mode
QRectF mStandRect;
FloatGrid mStandGrid; ///< local stand grid (10m pixel)
Grid<int> mTreeCountGrid; ///< tree counts on local stand grid (10m)
Grid<float> mLocalGrid; ///< 2m grid of the stand
Expression *mRunGridCustom;
double *mRunGridCustomCell;
friend void rungrid_custom(float &cell, int &n, const Tree *tree, const FMTreeList *list);
friend class ActThinning;
} // namespace
#endif // FMTREELIST_H