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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef FMSTAND_H
#define FMSTAND_H
#include <QHash>
#include <QJSValue>
#include "activity.h"
class Species; // forward (iLand species)
class Tree; // forward (iLand tree)
//enum TreeRemovalType; // forward
namespace ABE {
class FOMEWrapper; // forward
class FMUnit; // forward
struct SSpeciesStand
SSpeciesStand(): species(0), basalArea(0.), relBasalArea(0.) {}
const Species *species; ///< the ID of the species (ie a pointer)
double basalArea; ///< basal area m2
double relBasalArea; ///< fraction [0..1] fraction of species based on basal area.
/** FMStand encapsulates a forest stand for the forest management engine.
* The spatial coverage is defined by a "stand grid".
* */
class FMStand
/// c'tor: link stand to a forest management unit
FMStand(FMUnit *unit, const int id);
/// set the stand to be managed by a given 'stp'
void setSTP(FMSTP *stp) {mSTP = stp; }
void initialize();
/// sets the STP but nothing else (after disturbance related clearance)
void reset(FMSTP *stp);
/// returns true if tracing is enabled for the stand
bool trace() const { return property(QStringLiteral("trace")).toBool(); }
const QString &context() const { return mContextStr; }
void checkArea();
void setArea(const double new_area_ha) { mArea = new_area_ha; } // area in ha
void reload(bool force=false); // fetch new data from the forest stand
// general properties
int id() const {return mId; }
const FMUnit *unit() const { return mUnit; }
Activity::Phase phase() const { return mPhase; }
int standType() const { return mStandType; }
FMSTP *stp() const {return mSTP; }
int lastUpdate() const { return mLastUpdate; }
int lastExecution() const { return mLastExecution; }
int initialStandId() const { return mInitialId; }
void setInitialId(int origin_id) { mInitialId = origin_id; }
// agent properties
/// rotation period (years)
double U() const { return mU; }
/// thinning intensity (class); 1: low, 2: medium, 3: high
int thinningIntensity() const { return mThinningIntensityClass; }
/// species composition key
int targetSpeciesIndex() const { return mSpeciesCompositionIndex; }
void setU(const double rotation_length) { mU = rotation_length; }
void setThinningIntensity(const int th_class) { mThinningIntensityClass = th_class; }
void setTargetSpeciesIndex(const int index) { mSpeciesCompositionIndex = index; }
// stand properties
/// total area of the stand (ha)
double area() const { return mArea; }
/// absolute age: years since the rotation has started (years)
double absoluteAge() const;
/// total basal area (m2/ha)
double basalArea() const {return mTotalBasalArea; }
/// (average) age of the stand (weighted with basal area)
double age() const {return mAge; }
/// total standing volume (m3/ha) in the stand
double volume() const {return mVolume; }
/// number of trees of the stand (stems/ha) (>4m)
double stems() const {return mStems; }
/// mean dbh (basal area weighted, of trees>4m) in cm
double dbh() const {return mDbh; }
/// mean tree height (basal area weighted, of trees>4m), in m
double height() const {return mHeight; }
/// top height (mean height of the 100 thickest trees/ha), in m
double topHeight() const {return mTopHeight; }
/// scheduled harvest (planned harvest by activities, m3)
double scheduledHarvest() const {return mScheduledHarvest; }
/// total realized harvest (m3 on the full stand area) (note: salvage harvest ist part of final harvest)
double totalHarvest() const { return mFinalHarvested + mThinningHarvest; }
/// total realized thinning/tending harvests (m3 on the full stand area)
double totalThinningHarvest() const { return mThinningHarvest; }
/// total disturbed timber volume, includes also disturbed trees *not* harvested, m3
double disturbedTimber() const { return mDisturbed; }
/// mean annual increment (MAI), m3 timber/ha for the last decade
double meanAnnualIncrement() const { return mMAIdecade; }
/// mean annual increment (MAI), m3 timber/ha for the full rotation period
double meanAnnualIncrementTotal() const { return mMAItotal; }
bool readyForFinalHarvest() {return absoluteAge()> 0.8*U(); } // { return currentActivity()?(currentFlags().isFinalHarvest() && currentFlags().isScheduled()):false; }
// specialized functions (invokable also from javascript)
double basalArea(const QString &species_id) const;
double relBasalArea(const QString &species_id) const;
int nspecies() const { return mSpeciesData.count(); }
/// retrieve species-specific meta data by index (0: largest basal area share, up to nspecies()-1)
SSpeciesStand &speciesData(const int index) {return mSpeciesData[index]; }
SSpeciesStand &speciesData(const Species *species); ///< species-specific meta data by Species pointer
void setAbsoluteAge(const double age);
// actions
/// main function
bool execute(); ///< execute the current activity
bool executeActivity(Activity *act); ///< execute activity given by "act".
bool afterExecution(bool cancel = false);
/// add a (simulated) harvest to the amount of planned harvest (used by the scheduling)
void addScheduledHarvest(const double add_volume) {mScheduledHarvest += add_volume; }
/// is called whenever a tree is removed (death, management, disturbance)
void notifyTreeRemoval(Tree *tree, int reason);
/// is called when bark beetles are likely to attack: return ABE changed forest structure
bool notifyBarkBeetleAttack(double generations, int infested_px_per_ha);
/// resets the harvest counters
void resetHarvestCounter() { mFinalHarvested = 0.; mDisturbed=0.; mThinningHarvest=0.; }
/// sleep() pauses the evaluation/execution of management activities
/// for 'years_to_sleep'.
void sleep(int years_to_sleep);
int sleepYears() const {return mYearsToWait; }
/// calculate mean annual increment (m3/ha) and return total MAI.
double calculateMAI();
// return stand-specific flags
ActivityFlags &flags(const int index) {return mStandFlags[index]; }
/// flags of currently active Activity
ActivityFlags ¤tFlags() { return flags(mCurrentIndex); }
/// get a pointer to the current activity; returns 0 if no activity is set.
Activity *currentActivity() const { return mCurrentIndex>-1?mStandFlags[mCurrentIndex].activity():0; }
/// get a pointer to the last executed activity; returns 0 if no activity has been executed before.
Activity *lastExecutedActivity() const { return mLastExecutedIndex>-1?mStandFlags[mLastExecutedIndex].activity():0; }
int lastExecutionAge() const { return absoluteAge()>0 ? absoluteAge() : mLastRotationAge; }
// custom property storage
static void clearAllProperties() { mStandPropertyStorage.clear(); }
/// set a property value for the current stand with the name 'name'
void setProperty(const QString &name, QJSValue value);
/// retrieve the value of the property 'name'. Returns an empty QJSValue if the property is not defined.
QJSValue property(const QString &name) const;
// retrieve current state of the object
QStringList info();
friend class FOMEWrapper;
int mId; ///< the unique numeric ID of the stand
FMUnit *mUnit; ///< management unit that
FMSTP *mSTP; ///< the stand treatment program assigned to this stand
Activity::Phase mPhase; ///< silvicultural phase
int mInitialId; ///< stand-id that was assigned in the beginning (this Id is kept when stands are split)
int mStandType; ///< enumeration of stand (compositional)
double mArea; ///< total stand area (ha)
double mTotalBasalArea; ///< basal area of the stand
double mAge; ///< average age (yrs) of the stand (basal area weighted)
double mVolume; ///< standing volume (m3/ha) of the stand
double mStems; ///< stems per ha (above 4m)
double mDbh; ///< mean dbh (basal area weighted, of trees>4m) in cm
double mHeight; ///< mean tree height (basal area weighted, of trees>4m), in m
double mTopHeight; ///< top height (mean height of the 100 thickest trees per ha)
double mScheduledHarvest; ///< harvest (m3) that is scheduled by activities
double mFinalHarvested; ///< m3 of timber volume that has been harvested (regeneration phase)
double mThinningHarvest; ///< m3 of timber that was harvested for thinning/tending
double mDisturbed; ///< removed due to disturbance
double mRemovedVolumeDecade; ///< removed volume of the decade (m3/ha)
double mRemovedVolumeTotal; ///< removed volume of the rotation (m3/ha)
double mLastMAIVolume; ///< safe the standing volume
double mMAIdecade; ///< decadal mean annual increment (m3/ha*yr)
double mMAItotal; ///< total (over the full rotation) mean annual increment (m3/ha*yr)
int mRotationStartYear; ///< absolute year the current rotation has started
int mYearsToWait; ///< variable indicates time to wait
int mCurrentIndex; ///< the index of the current activity
int mLastUpdate; ///< year of the last reload of data
int mLastExecution; ///< year of the last execution of an activity
int mLastExecutedIndex; ///< index of the last executed activity
int mLastRotationAge; ///< age at which the last rotation ended
double mU; ///< rotation length
int mSpeciesCompositionIndex; ///< index of the active target species composition
int mThinningIntensityClass; ///< currently active thinning intensity level
void newRotatation(); ///< reset
// storage for stand meta data (species level)
QVector<SSpeciesStand> mSpeciesData;
// storage for stand-specific management properties
QVector<ActivityFlags> mStandFlags;
// additional property values for each stand
QString mContextStr;
static QHash<const FMStand*, QHash<QString, QJSValue> > mStandPropertyStorage;
friend class StandObj;
} // namespace
#endif // FMSTAND_H