(root)/src/abe/fmstand.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "abe_global.h"
#include "fmstand.h"
#include "fmunit.h"
#include "management.h"
#include "fmtreelist.h"
#include "forestmanagementengine.h"
#include "mapgrid.h"
#include "fmstp.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "fomescript.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "agenttype.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "statdata.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
namespace ABE {
/** @class FMStand
@ingroup abe
The FMStand class encapsulates forest stands which are defined as polygons. FMStand tracks properties of the stands (e.g. mean volume), and
is a central player in the ABE system.
FMStand::FMStand(FMUnit *unit, const int id)
mUnit = unit;
mId = id;
mInitialId = id;
mPhase = Activity::Invalid;
// testing:
mPhase = Activity::Tending;
mStandType = 1; // just testing...
mU = 0, mSpeciesCompositionIndex = -1, mThinningIntensityClass = -1;
mSTP = 0;
mVolume = 0.;
mAge = 0.;
mTotalBasalArea = 0.;
mStems = 0.;
mDbh = 0.;
mHeight = 0.;
mScheduledHarvest = 0.;
mFinalHarvested = 0.;
mThinningHarvest = 0.;
mDisturbed = 0.;
mRotationStartYear = 0;
mLastUpdate = -1.;
mLastExecution = -1.;
mLastRotationAge = -1;
mArea = ForestManagementEngine::standGrid()->area(mId)/cRUArea;
void FMStand::initialize()
if (!mSTP)
throw IException(QString("FMStand::initialize, no valid STP for stand %1").arg(id()));
// copy activity flags
mStandFlags = mSTP->defaultFlags();
mContextStr = QString("S%2Y%1:").arg(ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear()).arg(id()); // initialize...
// load data and aggregate averages
if (mRotationStartYear==0.) // only set if not explicitely set previously.
mRotationStartYear = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear() - age();
// when a stand is initialized, we assume that 20% of the standing volume
// have been removed already.
mRemovedVolumeTotal = volume() * 0.2;
if (absoluteAge()>0)
mMAItotal = volume() * 1.2 / absoluteAge();
mMAItotal = 0.;
mMAIdecade = mMAItotal;
mLastMAIVolume = volume();
// find out the first activity...
int min_years_to_wait = 100000;
for (int i=0;i<mStandFlags.count(); ++i) {
// run the onSetup event
// specifically set 'i' as the activity to be evaluated.
mStandFlags[i].activity()->events().run(QStringLiteral("onSetup"), 0);
if (!mStandFlags[i].enabled() || !mStandFlags[i].active())
// set active to false which have already passed
if (!mStandFlags[i].activity()->isRepeatingActivity()) {
if (!mStandFlags[i].activity()->schedule().absolute && mStandFlags[i].activity()->latestSchedule(U()) < age()) {
} else {
int delta = mStandFlags[i].activity()->earlistSchedule(U()) - age();
if (mStandFlags[i].activity()->schedule().absolute)
delta += age(); // absolute timing: starting from 0
if (delta<min_years_to_wait) {
min_years_to_wait = qMax(delta,0); // limit to 0 years
mCurrentIndex = i; // first activity to execute
if (mCurrentIndex==-1) {
// the stand is "outside" the time frames provided by the activities.
// set the last activity with "force" = true as the active
for (int i=mStandFlags.count()-1;i>=0; --i)
if (mStandFlags[i].enabled() && mStandFlags[i].activity()->schedule().force_execution==true) {
mCurrentIndex = i;
if (min_years_to_wait<100000)
// call onInit handler on the level of the STP
mSTP->events().run(QStringLiteral("onInit"), this);
if (mCurrentIndex>-1) {
mStandFlags[mCurrentIndex].activity()->events().run(QStringLiteral("onEnter"), this);
// if it is a scheduled activity, then execute (to get initial estimates for harvests)
if (currentFlags().isScheduled())
void FMStand::reset(FMSTP *stp)
mSTP = stp;
mCurrentIndex = -1;
void FMStand::checkArea()
mArea = ForestManagementEngine::standGrid()->area(mId)/cRUArea;
bool relBasalAreaIsHigher(const SSpeciesStand &a, const SSpeciesStand &b)
return a.relBasalArea > b.relBasalArea;
void FMStand::reload(bool force)
if (!force && mLastUpdate == ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear())
DebugTimer t("ABE:FMStand::reload");
// load all trees that are located on this stand
mTotalBasalArea = 0.;
mVolume = 0.;
mAge = 0.;
mStems = 0.;
mDbh = 0.;
mHeight = 0.;
mTopHeight = 0.;
mLastUpdate = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear();
// load all trees of the forest stand (use the treelist of the current execution context)
FMTreeList *trees = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->scriptBridge()->treesObj();
//qDebug() << "fmstand-reload: load trees from map:" << t.elapsed();
// use: value_per_ha = value_stand * area_factor
double area_factor = 1. / area();
const QVector<QPair<Tree*, double> > &treelist = trees->trees();
// calculate top-height: diameter of the 100 thickest trees per ha
QVector<double> dbhvalues;
for ( QVector<QPair<Tree*, double> >::const_iterator it=treelist.constBegin(); it!=treelist.constEnd(); ++it)
double topheight_threshhold=0.;
double topheight_height = 0.;
int topheight_trees = 0;
if (treelist.size()>0) {
StatData s(dbhvalues);
topheight_threshhold= s.percentile( 100*(1- area()*100/treelist.size()) ); // sorted ascending -> thick trees at the end of the list
for ( QVector<QPair<Tree*, double> >::const_iterator it=treelist.constBegin(); it!=treelist.constEnd(); ++it) {
double ba = it->first->basalArea() * area_factor;
mVolume += it->first->volume() * area_factor;
mAge += it->first->age()*ba;
mDbh += it->first->dbh()*ba;
mHeight += it->first->height()*ba;
SSpeciesStand &sd = speciesData(it->first->species());
sd.basalArea += ba;
if (it->first->dbh() >= topheight_threshhold) {
topheight_height += it->first->height();
if (mTotalBasalArea>0.) {
mAge /= mTotalBasalArea;
mDbh /= mTotalBasalArea;
mHeight /= mTotalBasalArea;
for (int i=0;i<mSpeciesData.count();++i) {
mSpeciesData[i].relBasalArea = mSpeciesData[i].basalArea / mTotalBasalArea;
if (topheight_trees>0) {
mTopHeight = topheight_height / double(topheight_trees);
mStems *= area_factor; // convert to stems/ha
// sort species data by relative share....
std::sort(mSpeciesData.begin(), mSpeciesData.end(), relBasalAreaIsHigher);
// return stand area in ha
double FMStand::absoluteAge() const
return ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear() - mRotationStartYear;
bool FMStand::execute()
// the age of the stand increases by one
// do nothing if we are still waiting (sleep)
if (mYearsToWait>0) {
if (--mYearsToWait > 0) {
return false;
mContextStr = QString("S%2Y%1:").arg(ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear()).arg(id());
// what to do if there is no active activity??
if (mCurrentIndex==-1) {
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe) << context() << "*** No action - no currently active activity ***";
return false;
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe) << context() << "*** start evaulate activity:" << currentActivity()->name();
// do nothing if there is already an activity in the scheduler
if (currentFlags().isPending()) {
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe) << context() << "*** No action - stand in the scheduler. ***";
return false;
// do nothing if the the current year is not within the window of opportunity of the activity
double p_schedule = currentActivity()->scheduleProbability(this);
if (p_schedule == -1.) {
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe)<< context() << "*** Activity expired. ***";
// cancel the activity
return false;
if (p_schedule>=0. && p_schedule < 0.00001) {
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe)<< context() << "*** No action - Schedule probability 0. ***";
return false;
// we need to renew the stand data
// check if there are some constraints that prevent execution....
double p_execute = currentActivity()->execeuteProbability(this);
if (p_execute == 0.) {
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe)<< context() << "*** No action - Constraints preventing execution. ***";
return false;
// ok, we should execute the current activity.
// if it is not scheduled, it is executed immediately, otherwise a ticket is created.
if (currentFlags().isScheduled()) {
// ok, we schedule the current activity
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe)<< context() << "adding ticket for execution.";
mScheduledHarvest = 0.;
bool should_schedule = currentActivity()->evaluate(this);
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe) << context() << "evaluated stand. add a ticket:" << should_schedule;
if (should_schedule) {
mUnit->scheduler()->addTicket(this, ¤tFlags(), p_schedule, p_execute );
} else {
// cancel the activity
return should_schedule;
} else {
// execute immediately
if (trace())
qCDebug(abe) << context() << "executing activty" << currentActivity()->name();
mScheduledHarvest = 0.;
bool executed = currentActivity()->execute(this);
if (!currentActivity()) // special case: the activity invalidated the active activtity
return executed;
if (!currentActivity()->isRepeatingActivity()) {
afterExecution(!executed); // check what comes next for the stand
return executed;
bool FMStand::executeActivity(Activity *act)
int old_activity_index = mCurrentIndex;
int new_index = stp()->activityIndex(act);
bool result=false;
if (new_index>-1) {
mCurrentIndex = new_index;
int old_years = mYearsToWait;
mYearsToWait = 0;
result = execute();
mAge--; // undo modification of age
mYearsToWait = old_years; // undo...
mCurrentIndex = old_activity_index;
return result;
bool FMStand::afterExecution(bool cancel)
// check if an agent update is necessary
unit()->agent()->type()->agentUpdateForStand(this, currentFlags().activity()->name(), -1);
// is called after an activity has run
int tmin = 10000000;
int indexmin = -1;
for (int i=0;i<mStandFlags.count(); ++i) {
if (mStandFlags[i].isForcedNext()) {
mStandFlags[i].setForceNext(false); // reset flag
indexmin = i;
break; // we "jump" to this activity
if (indexmin == -1) {
// check if a restart is needed
// TODO: find a better way!!
if (currentFlags().isFinalHarvest()) {
// we have reached the last activity
for (int i=0;i<mStandFlags.count(); ++i)
// look for the next (enabled) activity.
for (int i=0;i<mStandFlags.count(); ++i) {
if ( mStandFlags[i].enabled() && mStandFlags[i].active() && !mStandFlags[i].isRepeating())
if (mStandFlags[i].activity()->earlistSchedule() < tmin) {
tmin = mStandFlags[i].activity()->earlistSchedule();
indexmin = i;
if (!cancel)
if (indexmin != mCurrentIndex) {
// call events:
currentActivity()->events().run(QStringLiteral("onExit"), this);
if (indexmin>-1 && indexmin<mStandFlags.count())
mStandFlags[indexmin].activity()->events().run(QStringLiteral("onEnter"), this);
mLastExecutedIndex = mCurrentIndex;
mCurrentIndex = indexmin;
if (mCurrentIndex>-1) {
int to_sleep = tmin - absoluteAge();
if (to_sleep>0)
mScheduledHarvest = 0.; // reset
mLastExecution = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear();
return mCurrentIndex > -1;
void FMStand::notifyTreeRemoval(Tree *tree, int reason)
double removed_volume = tree->volume();
mVolume -= removed_volume/area();
// for MAI calculations: store removal regardless of the reason
mRemovedVolumeDecade+=removed_volume / area();
mRemovedVolumeTotal+=removed_volume / area();
Tree::TreeRemovalType r = Tree::TreeRemovalType (reason);
if (r == Tree::TreeDeath)
return; // do nothing atm
if (r==Tree::TreeHarvest) {
// regular harvest
if (currentActivity()) {
if (currentFlags().isFinalHarvest())
mFinalHarvested += removed_volume;
mThinningHarvest += removed_volume;
if (r==Tree::TreeDisturbance) {
// if we have an active salvage activity, then store
mDisturbed += removed_volume;
// check if we have an (active) salvage activity; both the activity flags and the stand flags need to be "enabled"
if (mSTP->salvageActivity() && mSTP->salvageActivity()->standFlags().enabled() && mSTP->salvageActivity()->standFlags(this).enabled() ) {
if (mSTP->salvageActivity()->evaluateRemove(tree)) {
mFinalHarvested += removed_volume;
tree->setIsHarvested(); // set the flag that the tree is removed from the forest
bool FMStand::notifyBarkBeetleAttack(double generations, int infested_px_per_ha)
// check if we have an (active) salvage activity; both the activity flags and the stand flags need to be "enabled"
if (mSTP->salvageActivity() && mSTP->salvageActivity()->standFlags().enabled() && mSTP->salvageActivity()->standFlags(this).enabled()) {
return mSTP->salvageActivity()->barkbeetleAttack(this, generations, infested_px_per_ha);
return false;
void FMStand::sleep(int years_to_sleep)
mYearsToWait = qMax(mYearsToWait, qMax(years_to_sleep,0));
double FMStand::calculateMAI()
// MAI: delta standing volume + removed volume, per year
// removed volume: mortality, management, disturbances
mMAIdecade = ((mVolume - mLastMAIVolume) + mRemovedVolumeDecade) / 10.;
if (absoluteAge()>0)
mMAItotal = (mVolume + mRemovedVolumeTotal) / absoluteAge();
mLastMAIVolume = mVolume;
// reset counters
mRemovedVolumeDecade = 0.;
return meanAnnualIncrementTotal();
double FMStand::basalArea(const QString &species_id) const
foreach (const SSpeciesStand &sd, mSpeciesData)
if (sd.species->id()==species_id)
return sd.basalArea;
return 0.;
double FMStand::relBasalArea(const QString &species_id) const
foreach (const SSpeciesStand &sd, mSpeciesData)
if (sd.species->id()==species_id)
return sd.relBasalArea;
return 0.;
void FMStand::setAbsoluteAge(const double age)
mRotationStartYear = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear() - age;
mAge = age;
// storage for properties (static)
QHash<const FMStand*, QHash<QString, QJSValue> > FMStand::mStandPropertyStorage;
void FMStand::setProperty(const QString &name, QJSValue value)
// save a property value for the current stand
mStandPropertyStorage[this][name] = value;
QJSValue FMStand::property(const QString &name) const
// check if values are already stored for the current stand
if (!mStandPropertyStorage.contains(this))
return QJSValue();
// check if something is stored for the property name (return a undefined value if not)
if (!mStandPropertyStorage[this].contains(name))
return QJSValue();
return mStandPropertyStorage[this][name];
QStringList FMStand::info()
QStringList lines;
lines << QString("id: %1").arg(id())
<< QString("unit: %1").arg(unit()->id());
lines << "-" << unit()->info() << "/-"; // sub sections
if (currentActivity()) {
lines << QString("activity: %1").arg(currentActivity()->name()) << "-" << currentActivity()->info();
// activity properties
lines << QString("active: %1").arg(currentFlags().active());
lines << QString("enabled: %1").arg(currentFlags().enabled());
lines << QString("simulate: %1").arg(currentFlags().isDoSimulate());
lines << QString("execute immediate: %1").arg(currentFlags().isExecuteImmediate());
lines << QString("final harvest: %1").arg(currentFlags().isFinalHarvest());
lines << QString("use scheduler: %1").arg(currentFlags().isScheduled());
lines << QString("in scheduler: %1").arg(currentFlags().isPending());
lines << "/-";
lines << QString("agent: %1").arg(unit()->agent()->type()->name());
lines << QString("STP: %1").arg(stp()?stp()->name():QStringLiteral("-"));
lines << QString("U (yrs): %1").arg(U());
lines << QString("thinning int.: %1").arg(thinningIntensity());
lines << QString("last update: %1").arg(lastUpdate());
lines << QString("sleep (years): %1").arg(sleepYears());
lines << QString("scheduled harvest: %1").arg(scheduledHarvest());
lines << QString("basal area: %1").arg(basalArea());
lines << QString("volume: %1").arg(volume());
lines << QString("age: %1").arg(age());
lines << QString("absolute age: %1").arg(absoluteAge());
lines << QString("N/ha: %1").arg(stems());
lines << QString("MAI (decadal) m3/ha*yr: %1").arg(meanAnnualIncrement());
lines << "Basal area per species";
for (int i=0;i<nspecies();++i) {
lines << QString("%1: %2").arg(speciesData(i).species->id()).arg(speciesData(i).basalArea);
lines << "All activities" << "-";
for (QVector<ActivityFlags>::const_iterator it = mStandFlags.constBegin(); it!=mStandFlags.constEnd(); ++it) {
const ActivityFlags &a = *it;
lines << QString("%1 (active): %2").arg(a.activity()->name()).arg(a.active())
<< QString("%1 (enabled): %2").arg(a.activity()->name()).arg(a.enabled());
lines << "/-";
// stand properties
if (mStandPropertyStorage.contains(this)) {
QHash<QString, QJSValue> &props = mStandPropertyStorage[this];
lines << QString("properties: %1").arg(props.size()) << "-";
QHash<QString, QJSValue>::const_iterator i = props.constBegin();
while (i != props.constEnd()) {
lines << QString("%1: %2").arg(i.key()).arg(i.value().toString());
lines << "/-";
// scheduler info
lines << unit()->constScheduler()->info(id());
return lines;
void FMStand::newRotatation()
mLastRotationAge = absoluteAge();
mRotationStartYear = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear(); // reset stand age to 0.
mRemovedVolumeTotal = 0.;
mRemovedVolumeDecade = 0.;
mLastMAIVolume = 0.;
mMAIdecade = 0.;
mMAItotal = 0.;
// use default values
setU( unit()->U() );
setThinningIntensity( unit()->thinningIntensity() );
unit()->agent()->type()->agentUpdateForStand(this, QString(), 0); // update at age 0? maybe switch to new STP?
SSpeciesStand &FMStand::speciesData(const Species *species)
for (int i=0;i<mSpeciesData.count(); ++i)
if (mSpeciesData[i].species == species)
return mSpeciesData[i];
mSpeciesData.last().species = species;
return mSpeciesData.last();
} // namespace