(root)/src/abe/agenttype.cpp - Rev 944
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#include "global.h"
#include "abe_global.h"
#include "agenttype.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "fmstp.h"
#include "forestmanagementengine.h"
#include "fmunit.h"
#include "fmstand.h"
#include "fomescript.h"
#include <QJSEngine>
namespace ABE {
void AgentType::setupSTP(QJSValue agent_code, const QString agent_name)
mName = agent_name;
mJSObj = agent_code;
if (!agent_code.isObject())
throw IException(QString("ABE:AgentType:setup: the javascript object for agent '%1' could not be found.").arg(agent_name));
QJSValue stps = agent_code.property("stp");
if (!stps.isObject())
throw IException(QString("ABE:AgentType:setup: the javascript definition of agent '%1' does not have a section for 'stp'.").arg(agent_name));
QJSValueIterator it(stps);
while (it.hasNext()) {
FMSTP *stp = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->stp(it.value().toString());
if (!stp)
throw IException(QString("ABE:AgentType:setup: definition of agent '%1': the STP for mixture type '%2': '%3' is not available.").arg(agent_name).arg(it.name()).arg(it.value().toString()));
mSTP[it.name()] = stp;
if (FMSTP::verbose())
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "setup of agent" << agent_name << mSTP.size() << "links to STPs established.";
Agent *AgentType::createAgent(QString agent_name)
// call the newAgent function in the javascript object assigned to this agent type
QJSValue func = mJSObj.property("newAgent");
if (!func.isCallable())
throw IException(QString("The agent type '%1' does not have a valid 'newAgent' function.").arg(name()));
QJSValue result = func.callWithInstance(mJSObj);
if (result.isError())
throw IException(QString("calling the 'newAgent' function of agent type '%1' returned with the following error: %2").arg(name()).arg(result.toString()));
Agent *agent = new Agent(this, result);
if (!agent_name.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (result.property("name").isUndefined())
result.setProperty("name", agent->name()); // set the auto-generated name also for the JS world
agent->setName(result.property("name").toString()); // set the JS-name also internally
return agent;
void AgentType::addAgentUpdate(const AgentUpdate &update, const FMUnit *unit)
// clear agent updates...
QMultiHash<const FMUnit*, AgentUpdate>::iterator hi= mAgentChanges.begin();
while (hi != mAgentChanges.end()) {
if (!hi.value().isValid())
AgentUpdate &rUpdate = mAgentChanges.insertMulti(unit, update).value();
rUpdate.setCounter( unit->numberOfStands() );
if (update.age()==-1)
// check stands that should be updated immediateley
const QMultiMap<FMUnit*, FMStand*> &stands = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->stands();
QMultiMap<FMUnit*, FMStand*>::const_iterator it = stands.constFind(const_cast<FMUnit*>(unit));
while (it != stands.constEnd() && it.key()==unit) {
FMStand *stand = it.value();
if (stand->age() <= update.age())
agentUpdateForStand(stand, QString(), update.age());
bool AgentType::agentUpdateForStand(FMStand *stand, QString after_activity, int age)
QMultiHash<const FMUnit*, AgentUpdate>::iterator uit = mAgentChanges.find(stand->unit());
bool action = false;
while (uit != mAgentChanges.end() && uit.key()==stand->unit()) {
AgentUpdate &update = uit.value();
if (!update.isValid())
// timing of update
if (!after_activity.isEmpty() && update.afterActivity()==after_activity) {
// do something
action = true;
if (update.age()>-1 && age==update.age()) {
// do something
action = true;
// update the stand
if (action) {
switch (update.type()) {
case AgentUpdate::UpdateU: {
int current_u = stand->stp()->rotationLengthType(stand->U());
int new_u = update.value().toInt();
if (current_u == new_u) {
if (stand->trace())
qCDebug(abe) << stand->context() << "AgentUpdate: update of U to" << new_u << " not done (value already set).";
stand->setU( stand->stp()->rotationLengthOfType(new_u) );
qCDebug(abe) << stand->context() << "AgentUpdate: changed to U" << stand->U();
// QML like dynamic expressions
case AgentUpdate::UpdateThinning: {
int current_th = stand->thinningIntensity();
int new_th = update.value().toInt();
if (current_th == new_th) {
if (stand->trace())
qCDebug(abe) << stand->context() << "AgentUpdate: update of thinningIntensity class to" << new_th << " not done (value already set).";
stand->setThinningIntensity(new_th );
qCDebug(abe) << stand->context() << "AgentUpdate: changed to thinningIntensity class:" << stand->thinningIntensity();
return action;
FMSTP *AgentType::stpByName(const QString &name)
if (mSTP.contains(name))
return mSTP[name];
return 0;
int AgentType::speciesCompositionIndex(const QString &key)
for (int i=0;i<mSpeciesCompositions.size(); ++i)
if (mSpeciesCompositions[i] == key)
return i;
return -1;
QString AgentType::speciesCompositionName(const int index)
if (index>=0 && index < mSpeciesCompositions.count())
return mSpeciesCompositions[index];
return QString();
AgentUpdate::UpdateType AgentUpdate::label(const QString &name)
if (name=="U") return UpdateU;
if (name=="thinningIntensity") return UpdateThinning;
if (name=="species") return UpdateSpecies;
return UpdateInvalid;
QString AgentUpdate::dump()
QString line;
switch (type()) {
case UpdateU: line= QString("AgentUpdate: update U to '%1'.").arg(mValue); break;
case UpdateThinning: line= QString("AgentUpdate: update thinning interval to '%1'.").arg(mValue); break;
case UpdateSpecies: line= QString("AgentUpdate: update species composition to '%1'.").arg(mValue); break;
if (!mAfterActivity.isEmpty())
return line + QString("Update after activity '%1'.").arg(mAfterActivity);
return line + QString("Update (before) age '%1'.").arg(mAge);
} // namespace