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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef ACTIVITY_H
#define ACTIVITY_H
#include <QJSValue>
#include <QVector>
#include <QMap>
class Expression; // forward
namespace ABE {
class FMStand;
class FMSTP;
class Schedule {
// setup and life cycle
Schedule() {}
Schedule(QJSValue &js_value) { clear(); setup(js_value); }
void clear() { tmin=tmax=topt=-1; tminrel=tmaxrel=toptrel=-1.; force_execution=false; repeat_interval=-1; repeat=false; absolute=false; }
void setup(const QJSValue &js_value);
QString dump() const;
// functions
/// value() evaluates the schedule for the given 'stand'.
/// return 0..1 (0: no fit, 1: perfect time).
/// Special value -1: expired (i.e. current time past the maximum schedule time).
double value(const FMStand *stand, const int specific_year=-1);
/// gives (fixed) earliest possible execution time
double minValue(const double U=100.) const;
/// returns the latest possible execution time
double maxValue(const double U=100.) const;
/// returns the "optimal" year, i.e. the first year when prob. to execute is highest.
double optimalValue(const double U=100.) const;
// some stuffs
int tmin; int tmax; int topt;
double tminrel; double tmaxrel; double toptrel;
bool force_execution;
// repeating
int repeat_interval;
bool repeat;
bool absolute;
class Events {
Events() {}
/// clear the list of events
void clear();
/// setup events from the javascript object
void setup(QJSValue &js_value, QStringList event_names);
/// execute javascript event /if registered) in the context of the forest stand 'stand'.
QJSValue run(const QString event, FMStand *stand, QJSValueList *params=0);
/// returns true, if the event 'event' is available.
bool hasEvent(const QString &event) const;
QString dump(); ///< prints some debug info
QJSValue mInstance; ///< object holding the events
QMap<QString, QJSValue> mEvents; ///< list of event names and javascript functions
/** DynamicExpression encapsulates an "expression" that can be either a iLand expression, a constant or a javascript function.
struct DynamicExpression {
DynamicExpression(): filter_type(ftInvalid), expr(0) {}
void setup(const QJSValue &js_value);
bool evaluate(FMStand *stand) const;
bool isValid() const { return filter_type!=ftInvalid;}
QString dump() const;
enum { ftInvalid, ftExpression, ftJavascript} filter_type;
Expression *expr;
QJSValue func;
class Constraints {
Constraints() {}
void setup(QJSValue &js_value); ///< setup from javascript
double evaluate(FMStand *stand); ///< run the constraints
QStringList dump(); ///< prints some debug info
QList<DynamicExpression> mConstraints;
class Activity; //forward
/** Activity meta data (enabled, active, ...) that need to be stored
per stand. */
class ActivityFlags
ActivityFlags(): mActivity(0), mFlags(0) {}
ActivityFlags(Activity *act): mActivity(act), mFlags(0) {}
Activity *activity() const {return mActivity; }
bool active() const {return flag(Active); }
bool enabled() const {return flag(Enabled);}
bool isRepeating() const {return flag(Repeater);}
bool isPending() const {return flag(Pending); }
bool isForcedNext() const {return flag(ExecuteNext); }
bool isFinalHarvest() const {return flag(FinalHarvest); }
bool isExecuteImmediate() const {return flag(ExecuteImmediate); }
bool isScheduled() const {return flag(IsScheduled);}
bool isDoSimulate() const {return flag(DoSimulate);}
bool isSalvage() const {return flag(IsSalvage);}
void setActive(const bool active) { setFlag(Active, active); }
void setEnabled(const bool enabled) { setFlag(Enabled, enabled); }
void setIsRepeating(const bool repeat) { setFlag(Repeater, repeat); }
void setIsPending(const bool pending) { setFlag(Pending, pending); }
void setForceNext(const bool isnext) { setFlag(ExecuteNext, isnext); }
void setFinalHarvest(const bool isfinal) { setFlag(FinalHarvest, isfinal); }
void setExecuteImmediate(const bool doexec) { setFlag(ExecuteImmediate, doexec);}
void setIsScheduled(const bool doschedule) {setFlag(IsScheduled, doschedule); }
void setDoSimulate(const bool dosimulate) {setFlag(DoSimulate, dosimulate); }
void setIsSalvage(const bool issalvage) {setFlag(IsSalvage, issalvage); }
/// (binary coded) flags
enum Flags { Active=1, // if false, the activity has already been executed
Enabled=2, // if false, the activity can not be executed
Repeater=4, // if true, the activity is executed
ExecuteNext=8, // this activity should be executed next (kind of "goto"
ExecuteImmediate=16, // should be executed immediately by the scheduler (e.g. required sanitary cuttings)
Pending=32, // the activity is currently in the scheduling algorithm
FinalHarvest=64, // the management of the activity is a "endnutzung" (compared to "vornutzung")
IsScheduled=128, // the execution time of the activity is scheduled by the Scheduler component
DoSimulate=256, // the default operation mode of harvests (simulate or not)
IsSalvage=512 // the activity is triggered by tree mortality events
bool flag(const ActivityFlags::Flags flag) const { return mFlags & flag; }
void setFlag(const ActivityFlags::Flags flag, const bool value) { if (value) mFlags |= flag; else mFlags &= (flag ^ 0xffffff );}
Activity *mActivity; ///< link to activity
int mFlags;
/// Activity is the base class for management activities
class Activity
// life cycle
Activity(const FMSTP *parent);
virtual ~Activity();
/// Activity factory - create activities for given 'type'
static Activity *createActivity(const QString &type, FMSTP *stp);
// properties
enum Phase { Invalid, Tending, Thinning, Regeneration, All };
const FMSTP *program() const { return mProgram; }
virtual QString type() const;
QString name() const {return mName; } ///< name of the activity as provided by JS
int index() const { return mIndex; } ///< index of the activity within the STP
/// get earlist possible scheduled year (relative to rotation begin)
int earlistSchedule(const double U=100.) const {return mSchedule.minValue(U); }
/// get latest possible scheduled year (relative to rotation begin)
int latestSchedule(const double U=100.) const { return mSchedule.maxValue(U); }
/// get optimal scheduled year (relative to rotation begin)
int optimalSchedule(const double U=100.) const { return mSchedule.optimalValue(U); }
bool isRepeatingActivity() const { return mSchedule.repeat; }
// main actions
/// setup of the activity (events, schedule, constraints). additional setup in derived classes.
virtual void setup(QJSValue value);
/// returns a value > 0 if the activity coult be scheduled now
virtual double scheduleProbability(FMStand *stand, const int specific_year=-1);
/// returns a probability for the activity to be executed (ie all constraints are fulfilled)
/// return value is 0 if the activity can not be executed (maximum result is 1)
virtual double execeuteProbability(FMStand *stand);
/// executes the action (usually defined in derived classes) using the context of 'stand'.
virtual bool execute(FMStand *stand);
/// executes the evaluation of the forest stand.
/// returns true, when the stand should enter the scheduler.
virtual bool evaluate(FMStand *stand);
/// function that evaluates "bound" dynamic expressions
virtual void evaluateDyanamicExpressions(FMStand *stand);
/// dumps some information for debugging
virtual QStringList info();
Schedule &schedule() { return mSchedule; }
Constraints &constraints() { return mConstraints; }
Events &events() { return mEvents; }
ActivityFlags &standFlags(FMStand *stand=0);
ActivityFlags mBaseActivity; // base properties of the activity (that can be changed for each stand)
static QStringList mAllowedProperties; // list of properties (e.g. 'schedule') that are parsed by the base activity
void setIndex(const int index) { mIndex = index; } // used during setup
void setName(const QString &name) { mName = name; }
int mIndex; ///< index of the activity within the STP
QString mName; ///< the name of the activity;
const FMSTP *mProgram; // link to the management programme the activity is part of
Schedule mSchedule; // timing of activity
Constraints mConstraints; // constraining factors
Events mEvents; // action handlers such as "onExecute"
DynamicExpression mEnabledIf; // enabledIf property (dynamically evaluated)
friend class FMSTP; // allow access of STP class to internals
friend class FMStand; // allow access of the activity class (e.g for events)
friend class ActivityObj; // allow access to scripting function
} // namespace
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(ABE::ActivityFlags, Q_PRIMITIVE_TYPE); // declare as POD structure to allow more efficient copying
#endif // ACTIVITY_H