Outputs in iLand are per default created as a SQLite database. Every type of output is represented by one table within this output database. Thus, the results of one simulation run are contained in one single file. Each iLand output database contains a small table named "runinfo" which stores the timestamp when the simulation was started, and iLand version information.
Alternatively, individual outputs can be configured to generate data tables as a text file instead of a table in the output database.

Output location

Generally, the default location for output data is defined in the project file. More on absolute/relative paths can be found in filenames and paths.

Output filename

Basically, there are two options:

  1. reuse a database: in this case every run will overwrite the preceding run. This is an option when still "playing around".
  2. create a database for each run: this is clearly the option of choice for larger simulation jobs.

The filename of the output-database is defined by the home.database.out key in the project file. If this key contains a normal filename, option 1 is pursued. If you want to go with option 2, a special syntax can be used for the filename (e.g. projectX_\$date\$.db), where the string between the \$-signs is replaced by a time stamp value (e.g. "20091021_143059"). See also iLand console if you want to control the output location and filename for larger simulation batch jobs.

Output section in the project file

The outputsection of the project file contains a sub-section for each output in iLand. Some outputs provide additional options, see project file and Outputs for details.

Controlling outputs during runtime

Outputs can be controlled by Javascript, i.e. they can be started and stopped from a user defined script. See Object Globals for details.